Sustainability Committee News
Published in the RSAA Lunations
Vol1 Issue39 1–30 April 2023
Hello everyone!
Several months have passed since the last update from the Sustainability Committee. This could read as “no news, good news”, but the reality is that we are barely keeping up with minimum! For those who have never heard of this committee, we are a small group inspired by making a difference in the area of sustainable habits and practices in our workplace.
The most visible aspect of this effort, for most of you, continues to be the presence of the composting bins located in the kitchens around the MSO buildings. There are currently four of them: Possum Hall, Duffield Building, Woolley Building and CSO Building kitchen. The contents of the bins gets emptied into the compost heaps next to the garden, just down from the AITC2 carpark.
Some of the compost produced has been used to vitalise the plants growing in the garden. Here, the best person to actually report on the garden is its most assiduous volunteer, Henry:
The garden has had a productive few months, and thanks to Phil’s irrigation system (plus Joice’s help over the Christmas break), it’s looking very green despite the hot weather. We had a large harvest of green peas over the summer, and if you’ve attended any of the Friday barbecues over the last few months, you have probably sampled the lettuce, carrots, and radishes.
Currently, I’m growing the next generation of lettuces and radishes using seeds harvested from the last crop, and I’ve also sowed some sage to attract native pollinators such as blue-banded bees, which are occasional visitors to the garden. There are also capsicums, onions, brussels sprouts and tomatoes on the way (unless the slugs get to them first).
There is still plenty of spinach, and spring onions too, so if you’d like to sample these just let me know, and I’ll show you how. I also have lots and lots of lettuce and radish seeds to give away.
Want to try your hand at growing something? There are still some beds with room for other crops (and/or experiments), so just let me know. Or, drop me a line if you’d like the grand tour.
One final thing - I’m taking donations of any sprouting garlic, onions or potatoes that you find in the back of your pantry. Usually you can stick these in the soil and they’ll grow!
To conclude this month’s update, we have had few new potential members that have expressed their interest in dedicating time to the Sustainability Committee, as well as others who have put forward ideas. These are very welcome gestures that will help reinvigorate the group! For those of you reading that feel inclined to help with ideas or dedicating some of your time please reach us at Until next time!
Gaston & Henry