The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 42 no 19 | 16–20 May 2016


School Seminar Program - 19 May

Unconventional computed tomography: material discrimination and time-evolving samples - Dr Glenn Myers

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Congratulations - ARC Linkage outcomes

Please join me in congratulating,

  • A/Prof Jodie Brady (EME)
  • Dr Horst Punzmann (CPF)
  • Dr David Powell (NLPC)

on their successful ARC Linkage Project applications.

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Congratulations - Thomas Li

Heyang Li (Thomas), a PhD candidate at the Department of Applied Mathematics won the Nasscom Student Innovation Award for IT Technical innovation. This competition is open to all university students in Australia.

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The inaugural recipients of the Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish Student Fellows. The students will be hosted on 3 month research projects and I’m very please to see 3 Departments attract these top students. The students and their hosts are:

Plasma Research Laboratory (PRL)
New staff member Dr Amy Shumack. Amy commenced her role as Plasma Operations Specialist on 2 May.


Gender and Sexual Diversity

From the RSPE Equity and Diversity Committee

17 May is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBT). It was created in 2004 to draw the attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by LGBTI people internationally.

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Performance and Development Supervisor Familiarisation Sessions : May 2016

In September 2015 the University introduced a new on-line Performance Development Review (PDR) form for both Academic and Professional staff to replace the existing paper based process.   

This process has automated the workflow and is supported by data integration with a number of our key systems including ANU Insight (Statement of Academic Activity) and the Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

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Supervisor training course

ANU HDR supervisors have the opportunity to take up the following professional development activities offered by the research training team in the office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Research Training) and you are encouraged to attend if you can.  The professional development being offered is specific to your needs as a supervisor of HDR students. Come along and learn from experienced peers and share your own knowledge of supervision.  This is also an opportunity to build collegial networks across the ANU.

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Departmental seminars

Dr Vincent Dupret - 16 May
Of long dead fishes, brains and teeth... How X-ray tomography applied to Australian fossil fishes improved our knowledge of the jawed vertebrate emergence
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Dr Ulf Garbe - 17 June
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Staff movements

Centre for Plasmas and Fluids (CPF)
Prof Christine Charles will be away 17 May - 2 July 2016 giving plenary lectures and invited talks at APCPST 2016 in Shanghai, SFP 2016 in Nancy and ICPP in Taiwan and working with collaborators at University College London and French Universities.


Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2016

Nominations are being sought for the Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2016. This Award provides funding of up to $15,000 to assist postgraduate research students enrolled at the Research School of Physics and Engineering to undertake part of their research program overseas or make a collaborative visit to an overseas institution, for three to six months.

Applications will open 9 May 2016 and close 5pm 9 June 2016.

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Training course:

  • Workshop and Trade safety (OHSA22) 17 May
  • Flammables Safety (OHSA13) 24 May

Registration via HORUS


Advance Notice – PEC Planning Day 2016

Please note that the 2016 PEC Planning Day is scheduled for Thursday 15 September, at Mount Stromlo.  Further details to follow in due course.


Network for Early Career Teachers, Academics & Researchers (NECTAR)

ANU NECTAR warmly invites all ANU Early Career Academics and final year PhD students to the 5th Annual NECTAR ANU Early Career Academic Retreat on 7-8 June, 2016.

Please RSVP on Eventbrite by Tuesday 31 May

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