The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 7 | 6–10 March 2017


Take pause and celebrate your efforts

Dear Colleagues, with such a hectic start to the year (ARC, teaching, PSP, etc) please take a moment to pause and reflect on your efforts.  It’s all too easy to finish a huge job and simply move onto the next big job.  I’m encouraging everyone to stop, thank those who work with you, recollect your thoughts and take a fresh look at the next challenge.  It’s a pleasure working with you, Tim


Join us for morning tea to celebrate "International Women's Day"

Wednesday 8th March 2017, 10.30am

 RSPE Tea Room.  All Welcome.






Funding Opportunities

Academic and student funding opportunities.

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Science Early Career Academic Development Scheme

Aims to provide support, mentoring and training for early career academic staff in the STEM Colleges.

CPMS is seeking mid-career and more senior staff willing to act as a mentor for a more junior colleague.

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Scholarship for Space Plasma, Astronomy and Astrophysics

The scholarship is intended to aid postgraduate and research students undertaking a project in Space Plasma, Astronomy or Astrophysics and in exceptional circumstances to an undergraduate. 

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Equity and Access

The ANU is an inclusive work environment

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Departmental seminars

Ms Katie Chong - 7 March
PHD FINAL SEMINAR Optically-Induced Magnetic Response in All-Dielectric Nanodisk Composite Structures
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Dr Cindy Vestergaard - 15 March
The Starting Point of Nuclear Safeguards: History and Implementation
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Staff movements

Applied Maths (AM)
Most staff members of the Department of Applied Maths will be at the ANU Coastal Campus Kioloa for the period 7–10 March for their Complexity Conference 2017.

Department of Quantum Science (DQS)
Prof John Close is currently acting HOD DQS.


2017 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes

Nominations and entries and nominations are now open

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ICPEAC Conference

The 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC XXX) will be held in Cairns, 26 July to 1 August 2017 at the Cairns Convention Centre.

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Thursday 23 March 2017, from 12.30pm

Oliphant Link BBQ Area

All RSPE staff, students & visitors welcome!

Cost ~ $10

RSVP and payment to Susie by COB Monday, 20 March 2017

All profits will be donated to Kogoda Water Tank Project.

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Chemical Management System (Chemwatch) Training
Attention all users of hazardous materials.

All users of hazardous chemicals will need to be trained to use Chemwatch as this is the primary resource for safety information for chemicals in the University.

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