The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 15 | 1–5 May 2017


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

This week we farewell two valued members of our School admin team; Mark Harris and Tania Maxwell. It has been a great pleasure working with them and I know you’ll join me in wishing them all the best for the future.

I’ve been thinking for a while that I’d like to conduct a social experiment within the School.  This is partly, to help me manage my work day but also as an opportunity to test ideas about how to help everyone improve time for productive work.  If you’d like to join me in a month long trial, or are interested in what I propose please read more.

Enjoy a lovely weekend,


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School Forum - Friday 5 May 2017

10-11.30am : RSPE Tea Room

  1. Welcome
  2. Director RSPE
  3. School Executive Items
  4. School Representative Items
  5. Other Business

Morning tea will be provided. All welcome


Congratulations - Distinguished Professor Chennupati Jagadish

On being inducted into US National Academy of Inventors (NAI) and on recieving the 2017 Welker Award


Defence Export Controls

Defence export controls may potentially impact you if your research involves collaboration outside Australia. Researchers may need a permit to export or transfer controlled goods.

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Funding Opportunities

Academic and student funding opportunities

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Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2017

Nominations are being sought for the Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2017. This Award provides funding of up to $15,000 to assist postgraduate research students.

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Research data management for natural scientists

This workshop is aimed at the ANU Academic, Professional and Post graduate community members working in natural science diciplines who want to learn about how to (better) manage research data and what resources are available to do so.

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2017 Academic Promotion round

It is highly recommended that all staff considering application for promotion attend the relevant information session. 

Supervisors are also encouraged to attend.

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Equity and Access

Capstone Editing grants for female academics

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Falling Walls Lab Australia 2017

This international forum promotes interdisciplinary connections between aspiring academics, innovators, entrepreneurs, investors and professionals, known for their excellent work.

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Figtree User Familiarisation Sessions – Registration Open

As part of the Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance project, the University is rolling out a new Claims Management System that includes a new workplace safety incident and hazard reporting tool.

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Distinguished Lecture - 4 May

Baryons and Dark Matter in the Galaxy - Professor Emeritus Chris McKee

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School Seminar Program - 18 May

Extraordinary momentum and spin in structured light - Dr Konstantin Bliokh

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Departmental seminars

Mr Boris Runov - 4 May
Summation of instantons in O(3) sigma model and quantum-classical duality (mid-term review seminar)
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Mr Matthew Quinn - 12 May
Exfoliated graphene for photothermal biomedical applications
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Staff movements

Director's Office (DO)
Ms Petra Rickman will be acting EA RSPE until a replacement appointed.

Department of Applied Maths (AM)
Ms Martina Landsmann will be on leave 24 April - 8 May.

RSPE Student Office
Will be unattended 1-3 May 2017. Please direct all enquiries to as this account will be checked on a regular basis. Luda will return on Thursday, 4 May and will be available after 12pm.


Congratulations - Dr Mohsen Rahmani

Runner up - APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE)

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Congratulations to Thu Roberts, CPMS Research Office, and her husbnad on the safe arrival of "Macey Linh Roberts" on the weekend. 



Restricted Access to Cockcroft Level 1

  • Monday 1 May to Thursday 4 May
  • Possible Radiation Hazard

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RSPE Health & Safety Representative (HSR)

The School's HSR is Mr Steven Marshall who is located in the Electronics Unit.

ANU WEG is seeking interest for participants who wish to undertake HSR Training

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