The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 37 | 2–6 October 2017


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,
The John Carver seminars were a wonderful showcase of our leading research, and brilliantly well presented.  Many thanks to all the presenters (above), you readily filled the Finkel lecture theatre. Thanks also to the judges, Anna Herring, James Sullivan and Lan Fu who had some pleasant but tough decisions to make.
Last year I introduced an open style of the School forum, where in the past it was more like a closed Heads of Department meeting.   While anyone is always welcome to speak at Forum, open fora can be confronting and not everyone will find their voice in this format.  I believe a representative-based model serves best to ensure that people can find the easiest way to bring topics up.  The change in format means we should review how that representation is formed, and how it is selected.  Some representative groups currently have 4 members, others 2 and most just a single rep.  During October I would like to call for comments on a) what type of group best represents your interests, b) how many representatives would this group need, c) how would you like them selected?   Once I receive your suggestions I will collate the responses and publish in the Event Horizon for comments.  Please send your views directly to Sue Wigley by October 31st.
I hope you enjoy the long weekend, don’t forget Day Light Saving starts on Sunday 2am.


John Carver Seminar Series 2017

Congratulations to all our 2017 John Carver Seminar Series presenters who delivered their physics with style. This year, Kai Wang receives the John Carver Prize and People’s Choice Award. Jia Yang was awarded the Dean's Prize and Bryce Henson, the Director’s Prize. Well done to all who participated.


Founder's Day 2017

Technical & Arts Displays 
Cockcroft Building

Director’s & Departmental Presentations
Leonard Huxley Lecture Theatre
#56 Mills Road, ANU

Founder’s Day Luncheon, with music performed by our very own jazz trio, Harmonic Propulsion
RSPE Tea Room & Gardens
Oliphant Building




24th Canberra International Physics Summer School - Registration now open

The Canberra International Physics Summer School invites Australian and international students to learn about cutting edge research in physical sciences. The School is an exciting opportunity to improve your knowledge in physics and meet inspiring academics from around the world.

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AIP 2017

The inaugural Summer Meeting of the Australian Institute of Physics – AIP 2017 – will be held from 3-8 December 2017 - Abstract Submission Deadline - 29 September.

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Carers’ Career Development Assistance Fund

The Carers’ Career Development Assistance Fund (CCDAF) - Applications close 17 October.

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Peking and Nanjing University Presentations - 4 October

As part of the joint ANU/Beijing/Nanjing workshop on Theoretical Physics and Low-Dimensional Quantum Structures being held in RSPE, there will be presentations by Prof. Xincheng Xie, Dean, School of Physics, Peking University and Prof. Jianxin Li, Dean, School of Physics, Nanjing University.

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PhD Workshops

The Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS) will be holding two short workshops for PhD students of the Colleges of Science in October.


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Departmental seminars

3 October
Joint ANU/Beijing/Nanjing Workshop on Theoretical Physics and Low-Dimensional Quantum Structures
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5 October - Mr Paul Fischione
Optimised TEM Sample Preparation Using Controlled Ion Milling
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5 October - Professor Radim Filip 
Highly Nonlinear Quantum Optics and Optomechanics
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6 November - Dr Rama K. Vasudevan 
Practical use of machine learning and data science practices in the big-data age of microscopy
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Staff Movements


Applied Maths
Martina Landsmann will be away from 22 September - 23 October 2017. All enquiries shold be directed to



Moving to reduced fat milk.

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Senior First Aid Training - register through HORUS

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Emergency Warden Training - register through HORUS

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