The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 63 | 2–6 April 2018


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for all those who found flowers and signed the card for Helen Crompton’s funeral last week.  It was a sad and beautiful farewell to a wonderful woman.

Please join me in congratulating Jagadish on receiving the 2017 Nayudamma Award from the Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives in India. This annual award is given to distinguished Indians and celebrates their impact in fields of science and technology.

Welcome to Michael Craft, our new School WHS Manager joining us today.  Over the next few weeks he will be coming around to meet your Departments and introduce himself.  My thanks go to Rick Walsh who has acted so well in the role.

The image above reminds us of the first 3-6-9 we did together, late in 2015. With the second round about to commence this week it is worth considering the new ANU Strategic Plan and our mandate to undertake unique research for the Nation’s benefit. In September, our School will be externally reviewed against the objectives of the ANU Strategic Plan, as well as our aspirations set out in the 3-6-9s. An important aspect of the School Review will be for every staff member to have an active Performance and Development Review (PDR) in place by May 16th.  I have listed some PDR expectations in a document that will ensure we can meet the standards expected in the School Review.  Please discuss these expectations with your supervisor, it’s an important discussion.  I will have more details about how we will draft the School submission shortly.  Due to some unavoidable travel, Professor Murray Batchelor, will remotely record his 369 presentation for distribution.

An EoI for the Headship of Theoretical Physics opens today.  The period of this appointment will be for 5 years and applicants may send their expressions against the criteria to Mr James Irwin, Acting School Manager by Monday 16th April.

With Tamara Babij and Bryce Henson retiring recently as Student reps we are looking for two replacements to serve at Heads of Department meetings.  The appointments will be for 2 years and I propose that any interested students contact A/Professor Lan Fu to discuss further.  Our thanks go to Tamara and Bryce for representing students so excellently well.

Best regards,



Genevieve Bell: How social science shapes future technology directions

5 April 2018 @ 4:00 pm. China in the World Auditorium

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Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2018

Aplications close 8 April 2018: Nominations are being sought for this generous Award which provides funding of up to $15,000 to assist postgraduate research students enrolled in RSPE.

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2018 ANU Education Grants Scheme, Round 2

Funding of up to $10,000 is available - applications are now open for the next round of ANU Education Grants.

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Water Pilot Technology Program - Opening of competitive round

The deadline for submissions is 9:00am Monday 23 April 2018

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Call for nominations and applications for Australian Academy of Science 2019 Awards.

The closing date for honorific award nominations is 1 May 2018 and 1 June 2018 for research conferences, research awards and travelling fellowships. 

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Call for nominations for APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE) 2018 
The Australian Academy of Science invites nominations from Australian researchers for the APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE) 2018. Applications close 11 April 2018.

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Develop skills to make connections, identify new opportunities and create possible collaborations with key industry stakeholders.
The ANU Technology Transfer Office is hosting an intensive, full-day workshop for ANU researchers interested in developing their industry engagement skills.

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Where are the female first and last authors?

Women remain under-represented in many areas of science, but they are especially scarce in the pages of high-impact journals, according to an analysis published in bioRxiv.

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Director's Colloquium

Monday 30 April 2018
Assoc Prof Jenni Adams
Canterbury University, NZ
Neutrino Window on the Universe

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Staff Movements


Kath Hicks (NLPC) will be away 28/3 - 6/4. Please send urgent requests to

While we undertake the recruitment process to replace Laura’s position in the Student Administration area, Karen Nulty will be assisting PEC with student related matters. Karen will be located in Laura’s office in building 38a on Monday, Wednesday (full days 9.30am to 5pm) and Friday afternoon (2pm – 5 pm). Karen can be contact via email


Job opportunity in the Joint College of Sciences Research Office

Assistant Research Manager (ANUO8) recruitment - Applications close 8 April 2018

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WHS Courses and Asbestos Awareness Training - online training - mandatory WHS KPIs

Information about promoting and ensuring health and safety in the university workplace can be found at the ANU Health and Safety site. Register via HORUS for Work, Health and Safety Courses available in April.

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Building Services

For any general building issues: lights not working, plumbing problems, doors not locking and so on, please use the school’s work request system to log a job

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Have you lost something?
Numerous items have been found and handed in to the RSPE Reception Counter, Oliphant building. If you have lost a  key, watch or other personal items please see Nikki on Reception. All unclaimed items will be forward to ANU Lost Property by the end of the week.



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