The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 70 | 21–25 May 2018


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to welcome Hindmarsh on-board as construction company for Stage 1a of the Physics Precinct.  We will officially introduce them at the School forum next week, so please join us for cake.  Over the next few weeks Simon Foxcroft will be finalising decanting details with your Heads, so please liaise with your Head over any concerns you might have.  After this time, Hindmarsh will be undertaking some minor works to accommodate the decanting process.  We will publish updates and schedules in the Event Horizon each week.

I am very pleased to welcome the new HDR Student Representatives; Lauren Bezzina (NP), Rowena Yew (EME), James Spollard (DQS) and Jia Yang (CPF). They will be representing our School HDR students at Heads of Department meetings and at School Forum for the next year.

The Winter Conferring of degrees is soon and I can highly recommend the opportunity to sit on stage and play a larger part in celebrating our students’ achievements.

The dates of the School review have set for 16-18th October and A/Prof James Sullivan has kindly agreed to coordinate the groups contributing to the School submission.  While the topics will be coordinated by several working parties, the intention is for this to be an open submission.  Apart from general consultation by the working parties, the drafting stages will give you the opportunity to provide feedback and make your contribution.  More details at the School Forum, next week.

Please send Sue any topics you would like covered or addressed by your representatives at Forum.

Have a good week,



As our School welcomes this week's Colloquium speaker Prof. Lisa Kewley, we would like to encourage everyone to take a look at CAASTRO's pioneering Gender Action Toolkit, which contains a range of tools and policies designed to achieve gender equity:

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Senior academic staff are invited to participate in the Chancellor’s Party for the Australian National University Winter 2017 Conferring of Awards on 11 July 2018 at Llewellyn Hall.

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Changes to the eForm milestones - There have been some recent changes to the eForm milestones which mean that the Research Integrity Training (RIT) milestone must be completed satisfactorily BEFORE you can proceed with the completion of any other milestone.

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2 minutes now will save hours during your reporting/promotion periods - Thank you for registering for your ORCID identifier with the Library. You’ve almost completed the process for capturing all of your publications data in your RIMS account.

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Science Start Ups and Entrepreneurs - Are you a scientist-entrepreneur with an outstanding start-up company based on scientific research? Or a university or research institution looking to showcase your most promising academic spin-off? We got the perfect stage for you!

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2018 Bridging Grants - The Global Connections Fund (GCF) aims to provide initial funding support specifically to promote Australian Researchers and Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) collaboration.

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This is the first year ANU will host a Visualise Your Thesis competition and the Dean, Higher Degree Research is eager for all ANU Colleges to participate.

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Director's Colloquium

Monday 21 May 2018
Prof Lisa Kewley
Galaxy Formation and Evolution in 3D

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Wednesday 23 May 2018
Join an evening of fun and excitement as ANU and ABC try to break a Guinness World Record. This is a free community event and will include a live screening of Stargazing Live with Brian Cox.

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Wednesday 30 May 2018


Tuesday 19 June 2018
The Energy Change Institute - Open Day
The ECI Open Day will showcase the latest energy research from ANU and provides a platform for exchanging ideas for ANU researchers, industry, government agencies and other energy stakeholders.

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Kath Hicks will be acting Senior School Administrator during Andrea Butlers secondment to CECS. Kath can be contacted on

James Irwin is acting School Manager and can be contacted on


RSPE welcomes the following recipients of the Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish Endowment for 2018

Mr Yash Shukla
Mr Himanshu Chaudhary
Mr Biplab Mahato
Mr Abhilash Kumar Jha
Ms Sameera Nalin Venkat

EME welcomes

Mr Chawit Uswachoke
Mr Alexander Kiy
Dr Ling Wei
Dr Lijie Wang
Ms Huyen Pham

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RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


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