The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 74 | 18–22 June 2018


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Many thanks for the huge turn out to the Winter BBQ on Friday.  It was a great success, raising over $800 for Kairos Outside for Women. Thanks especially to Kath Hicks for suggesting the charity.

The Physics Market Day is scheduled for mid-August so please think about your projects to be included in this year’s booklet.  It’s a fabulous way to attract students and the booklet is a great showcase for the research prospects at RSPE.  This year the event will be held in Physics South and offer tours of the facilities as an added bonus.  More details to follow in the coming weeks in the Event Horizon.

This year we will offer optional mock-interviews for all seeking promotion.  The interview will follow similar lines to the actual interview and be conducted a few weeks prior to the actual interviews.  Level A applicants are strongly encouraged to consider having a mock-interview.

There are still some outstanding PDRs to complete.  Please talk to your supervisor about initiating your PDR if you haven’t already done so.

Have a good week,




Visiting Artist Exhibition - The ANU Vice-Chancellor's College Visiting Artists Fellowship Scheme promotes collaborative research between disciplines by placing visiting artist fellows in each of the ANU Colleges for an academic year.

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Robert and Helen Crompton Award 2018

Congratulations to Kai Wang from the Nonlinear Physics Centre who is the recipient of the Robert and Helen Crompton award for 2018.

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The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) international research student competition is on again for 2018 and the ANU is currently preparing for the School and College heats.

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Australian Nanotechnology Network sponsorship opportunity - Available to postgraduate students or early career researchers for Australian National Fabrication Facility Short Term Visits (Up to 2 weeks duration)

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The Academic Promotions Round for 2018 opened 1 June 2018 with an application closing date of Tuesday, 31 July 2018.

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Defence export controls may potentially impact you if your research involves collaboration outside Australia. The upcoming DTCA seminar will provide an overview of export controls and the penalties of non-compliance. 

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Register now for the Annual NECTAR Forum - 24-25th July 2018.

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How can academic institutions improve in the #MeToo era? This video from the US National Academies report presents the top four tips for how organisations can prevent and address sexual harassment in academic settings, and specifically in STEMM. Together, we can do better. (image from


Communities@work, will be running the July 2018 ANU School Holiday Program. Communities@work School Holiday Programs provide high-quality care with engaging and exciting activities for children in Kindergarten to Year 6.

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In response to concerns raised by campus users, parking inspectors will now be patrolling campus on a twenty-four hours a day, seven day a week basis

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Presented by Professor the Hon Gareth Evans AC QC FASSA FAIIA - The inaugural 'Australia and the World' Annual Lecture 'Australia in the World: Raising our Sights' on Tuesday July 10, 5:00-7:30 pm.  

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June School Seminar

21 June 2018
Dr Sergey Kruk
Meta-optics of Mie-resonant dielectric nanoparticles: From unconventional concepts to functional devices
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Departmental Seminars
18 June 2018

Mr Samuel Nolan
Interaction-based readouts: How to get the best "bang for your quantum buck"
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2 June 2018
Mr Sven Bodenstedt
Magnetometry and Thermometry of Protoype Hard Disk Head
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Tuesday 19 June 2018
Energy Change Institute

Open Day
The ECI Open Day will showcase the latest energy research from ANU and provides a platform for exchanging ideas for ANU researchers, industry, government agencies and other energy stakeholders.

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Mr Simon Foxcroft is away until 2 July. For any enquiries please email

Mr Goran Radovanovic is on long service leave until 22nd June. Please contact

Mr Benjamin Parker-Brown is on secondment at RBS until 11 December 2018. Please contact if you have queries.

Luda Mangos is on leave until 5 August 2018. Karen Nulty will be acting team leader. Continue to contact the team via



New cleaning contract

In the following weeks you will be able to see the first changes – the cleaners will be around the offices across campus until 10am every work day, your under-desk bins (for general rubbish) will not be serviced anymore, and the buildings will receive centralised bins to provide better opportunities for recycling.

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The ANU recently entered into a contract with a number of suppliers to provide consolidated monthly invoices. Purchase cards should not be used for any order through these suppliers.

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RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


Note that Carshare vehicle #214 – YLF06D (Cheyenne) has been taken offline until the battery management system is repaired.

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Keep Updated

Building plans and timelines are available via the intranet Infrastructure upgrade program.
Stroll through the foyer or the auditorium
Dont know where you will be sitting? See your HoD or DA.


Keep Informed

ANU Events

(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin

JCS Strategic Priorities Plan



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