The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 77 | 9–13 July 2018


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

I’m afraid more sad news with Alan Harding being laid to rest last Friday. Alan will be fondly remembered by many in the School with a large contingent of friends travelling to Temora to farewell him.

Congratulations to Dr Sergey Kruk on being selected for the 2018 Australia-China Young Scientists Exchange Program run by the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering.

If you are a Level A academic seeking promotion this year please let me know.

With NAIDOC week commencing I can highly recommend our new online Indigenous Cultural Awareness program open to all staff.  There are a series of great activities this NAIDOC week, including activities for families on school holidays (see below).

A reminder for the retrospective of ANU visiting artists, there will be a reception at 6:00pm today.  RSPE has hosted five resident artists, from a very talented group of 15 scattered around the ANU.

This week’s pic shows Drs Rose Ahlefeldt and Kate Fergusson (left and right) with our guest of honour, Ms Keira Joyce (centre) for which we ran last week’s raffle in support of her trip to the London International Youth Science Forum. Prizes went to Michael Hall (1st), Ross Tranter (2nd) and Patrick Romero (3rd).  Many thanks to Sue for making it so much fun!




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ANZ Purchase Card Rollout
ANU is in the process of changing banks, from the NAB to ANZ. This means that all ANU purchase cards (NAB) will need to be exchanged for ANZ cards during July 2018.

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Congratulations to Kai Wang, a PhD student at Nonlinear Physics Centre, who won the Best Student Paper 3rd Prize for his work on "Scalable Multi-dimensional Synthetic Space and Full State Reconstruction in Spectral Lattices," presented at the OSA Advanced Photonics Congress in Zurich, Switzerland.


You are encouraged to attend the 8th Annual ANU NECTAR Forum on 24-25 July at the National Museum of Australia. Registrations close 13 July, partial attendance is optional.

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The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) international research student competition is on again for 2018, registration ends 18 July 2018.

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Redefining the ANU PhD Forum - The ANU Strategic Plan represents an opportunity to reimagine the ANU PhD, and better understand how we might better articulate our investment in and commitment to higher degree research programs.

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The ANU/ASD Research Program is currently accepting research proposals of mutual interest that addresses the research interests in Round 1: Data Science, Cryptography and Secure Systems, and Vulnerability Research

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Call for volunteers (any gender!) to come and meet students at the Girls in STEM breakfast at 7am on Tuesday 14th August 2018. Please contact Jodie Bradby if you are able to assist.

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On July the 5th the global scientific community celebrated the first International Day of LGBTQ+ people in STEM. This day of recognition is a new and important component of the global push to increase diversity and inclusion in STEM. A recent article published in Nature argues that support from mainstream diversity initiatives would create a virtuous circle of visibility and benefit science for all.

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The Geeky Girl Reality, a not for profit research project centered on women in STEM, is conducting a survey on university women's experiences in STEM fields on a global scale.




Vale Alan Harding

He will be remembered with affection in Nuclear Physics for his considerable technical contributions and his colourful personality.

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School Seminar

19 July 2018 3:00-4:00
Mr Alex Bennet
Lab to Launch

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Departmental seminars

12 July 2018
Mr Daniel Comber-Todd
Polariton Condensation in Non-Hermitian Potentials
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24 July 2018
Professor Mukunda Das
Bose, Bosons and Boson Condensation
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30 July 2018
Mr Alexander Bray
Does the attoclock provide evidence of a tunnelling time?
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Distinguished Lecture

AIP Women in Physics Lecture - Dr Ceri Brenner
Monday 13th August 2018, 2:00-3:00
Finkle Lecture Theatre, JCSMR, Bldg # 131

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During Andrea Butler's absence, Kath Hicks is actng Senior School Administrator and General Team Leader and will be working from two offices as follows:
Mornings - 9am to 12.30pm – NLPC Office – Le Couteur L3.03 – x53423
Afternoons - 1.30pm to 5pm – Admin Office – Oliphant OL4.05

Directors Office
Tim Senden will be on leave 9-18 July 2018, Lan Fu will be acting. Please continue to send enquires to

HoD Cedric Simenel will be on leave 9-13 July 2018, Nail Akhmediev will be acting.



1st – Michael Hall (TP)
2nd – Ross Tranter (PRL)
3rd – Patrick Romero (Store)

Dear Colleagues, many thanks for your support with this fundraising activity, $403 was handed over to Keira for her LIYSF adventure.

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RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


Keep Updated

Building plans and timelines are available via the intranet Infrastructure upgrade program.
Stroll through the foyer or the auditorium
Dont know where you will be sitting? See your HoD or DA.


Keep Informed

ANU Events

(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin

JCS Strategic Priorities Plan



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