The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 44 no 15 | 15–19 April 2019


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you had a pleasant weekend as we start the ACT School holidays. 

My congratulations go the latest awardees of the ARC Linkage Projects. Professor Dragomir Neshev, Dr Mohsen Rahmani and Associate Professor Andrey Sukhorukov lead the $400k+ project “Meta-optics systems for driver-fatigue monitoring” with industry partner, Seeing Machines. Professor Susan Scott was also a part of the successful UWA-led project “International collaboration in teaching and learning of Einsteinian physics”, and Professor Chennupati Jagadish was part of the UniMelb bid, “High-brightness wavelength tuneable lasers for quantum science”.

And, a call out to interested PhD candidates and Early Career academics.  Australia is hosting this year’s Asian Physics Olympiad in Adelaide and the organising committee is urgently seeking examiners.  Examiners are needed for a 3 day period, after which you’re welcome to explore Adelaide or visit collaborators.  Could be fun to go as a group? If you would like to be part of this all expenses paid trip to Adelaide please contact Ruth Carr ( , who is based in in the ASI office level 4 Cockcroft East). This international event will bring 200 of the region’s best and brightest teenagers from 25 countries to Australia for nine days of academic competitions and cultural activities from 5-13 May.

Above pic is thanks to Tania Maxwell from a hot air balloon.

Have a great week,



15 April - Prof Molly Shoichet

Tools of the Trade: Engineering the Cellular Microenvironment with 3D Culture and Protein Affinity Release.

Monday 15 April @ 12:00, Finkel Theatre, JCSMR Bldg 131

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AIP - student membership possibilities

The AIP membership has an ageing demographic, and there is a need to breathe new life into the organisation via involvement of younger physicists.

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Salary Sacrificing Updates & Superannuation on Unpaid Parental Leave

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16 April - Environment in the Pub

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17 April - Visit SPIDER and learn how to make a small sun on Earth

On the occasion of the Italian Research Day, the Embassy of Italy; co-supported by the ANU Energy Change Institute and the ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute, invite you to a virtual visit of the SPIDER Laboratory, in Padua, Italy, and presentations highlighting Australian-ITER fusion research.

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17 April - Thesis Proposal Review

Have you RSVPd for this event? It's not too late. HDR students are invited to attend a workshop on Thesis Proposal Review offered by the Academic Skills and Learning Centre and tailored to STEM students needs.

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17-18 April Workshops - Sexual Violence Prevention

Over the previous three years the ANU has been challenged by the findings of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Changing the Course report. As part of the University’s commitment seeking to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment before it occurs, The Respectful Relationships Unit has developed the University’s Sexual Violence Prevention Strategy draft. As part of the consultation on the strategy, all staff are invited to attend two workshops on the 17th April and 18th April.

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May - Review of ARC’s Implementation of National Science and Research Priorities

Submissions are now open for the review of the ARC’s implementation of the National Science and Research Priorities under the National Competitive Grants Program.

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May - Funding Opportunity: UA- DAAD Funding Now Open

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July - The State-of-Energy-Research Conference

Note your diaries: ERICA - a peak body of 11 university research institutes, is organising Australia's first two-day national research-only energy conference.

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August - ANSTO Access Proposals now open

ANSTO’s User Office in Sydney offers access to a wide range of world-class research infrastructure including neutron beam instruments, deuteration facilities and accelerators. ANSTO seeks collaboration and partnerships with research organisations, scientific users and commercial users.

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School Seminar

18 April 2019
Ms Tamara Babij - PRL
Studies of positron scattering processes from simple targets

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Further details about School Seminars or Events can be found on the RSPE Intranet and School News and Events Page.


Building Update

Infrastructure Upgrade Program

Two weeks ahead

Two day program


Message from Jo

Don't forget please clean up after yourself when using the Physics South tea room or meeting rooms. Please stack dirty dishes and cups in the kitchens and remember to recycle. If you use the meeting rooms, please leave them neat and tidy. Contact Jo for further details.


Julie Arnold is away 17-26th April
Patrick is away 23-26/4 there will be no acting HoD

Kath Hicks is away 15-29 April. Please see Sonia Padrun if you have any urgent items during this period or email

Cedric Simenel is away 8-26 April, Vladimir Bazhanov will be acting HoD


Contacts for RSPE – College Jaeger Hub

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August: 2019 Market Day in RSPE

13th August, 11:30-2:00, Physics South


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RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


Keep Informed

ANU Events

(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin

JCS Strategic Priorities Plan



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