The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 44 no 41 | 14–18 October 2019


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Following on from Prof Lan Fu’s School-wide email I would like to add my congratulations to the team comprising the ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems (TMOS), which was announced by Minister Tehan in the Oliphant Tea room last Friday. It is fantastic news and the first Centre we have lead since the Centre for Antimatter-Matter Studies, lead by Prof Steve Buckman, concluded in 2013.   This week’s pic shows the Centre Director, Prof Dragomir Neshev (NLPC) thanking the Minister and ARC for their support.

My congratulations also to Ms Lauren Bezzina (NP) on being awarded the College of Science Janet Elspeth Crawford award for postgraduate leadership (see story below). 

The American Institute of Physics journal, Physics of Plasmas, will recognise Em/Prof Rod Boswell for his outstanding contribution to refereeing for the journal later this month as the Division meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

This week in preparations for the ARPANSA audit in December I will be contacting all group leaders who use registerable lasers in their work about a schedule to review our laser facilities.  This will require close physical inspection of labelling and safety measures for all of our 300+ lasers in Physics. Where possible we will auto-fill inspection templates to assist you.  Once these are ready I will be in touch directly.

Have a good week,



Congratulations Lauren

A passion for helping fellow students has earned RSPhys Lauren Bezzina a college-wide award, the Janet Elspeth Crawford award for postgraduate leadership.Lauren, a PhD student in Nuclear Physics has been recognised for her initiative in setting up a student mentoring scheme in 2018.

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The Australian Research Council (ARC) will take steps to address gender disparities in the Competitive Grants Program selection rounds, assessment processes and panel memberships. The key aims are gender parity for DECRA applications by 2023, for membership of the ARC College of Experts by 2023 and the Selection Advisory Committees by 2025.

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Extinction Rebellion

Last week, PhD student Jacob Ross (LPC) joined fellow members of the regional branch of Extinction Rebellion to occupy Commonwealth Bridge.  This marked a Nation-wide week of protest to raise concerns about Climate Change. For details please see the open letter of support from Australian academics and the discussion in The Conversation links below.

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Nuclear Reactions - Workshop

Monday, 4 November
Physics Seminar Room

This workshop proposes to gather experts of the Sub-atomic Physics community to explore nuclear reactions and their applications, from astrophysics to medicine. 

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26th Canberra International Physics Summer School closes 25 Oct 2019

Joint College Professional Awards closes 31 Oct

2020 Visions in Microscopy Early Bird Nov 2019 

Alumni Scholarships in Physics closes 29 Nov 2019

CSIRO Alumni 2020 Scholarship in Physics closes 29 Nov 2019

SmartSat CRC Higher Degree Research Scholarships now open


ARC Laureate and Future Fellowships - Schemes Open

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Funding Opportunities from Research Professional Website

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Industry Engagement Bootcamp (Repeat session). Wed 27th Nov, 9am-4:30pm @ Common Room, University House, ANU.

Achieve better and faster collaboration with industry with this full day, intensive workshop. To join the waitlist for this session, please complete the short EOI-  link below.

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70 Years of Physics

9:00 - 2:30, 25 October 2019
Leonard Huxley Theatre and patio
Program details


October Seminars

16 October
Mr Dipankar Chugh
Growth and applications of wafer-scale hexagonal Boron Nitride
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18 October
Ms Sahar Masoudian
Computable Invariants Of Links In The Three-Torus
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23 October
Prof Stephen Hyde
Tangling: between geometry and topology
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Net Zero: the UK’s 2050 emissions target

16 October 6-7:30 pm
Leonard Huxley Theatre
Prof Julia King

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16 October
Dr Mark Rilley
High impact ICT research to tech start-up

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Science in the Pub

15 October
Maths & Computer Science in the Pub,
Smiths Alternative, 76 Alinga St Civic

6 November
Ecology in the Pub
Smiths Alternative, 76 Alinga St Civic

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31 October​
Dr Peter J Riggs​
Time Dilation and Rates of Flow of Time​

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Department Meetings

DQS - Thur 17 Oct 2019

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Christmas Shut Down

The University will be closed for business....

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Staff Movements

David Anderson is away 27th Sept - 28th Oct. Luke Materne will be acting EU Manager.


HR Drop-in Sessions

HR does a drop-in session from 10am-11am in the Oliphant Fishbowl, for anyone who needs advice or guidance on any HR related matters. 

Wednesday 13/11/2019
Wednesday 11/12/2019


Physics South Orientation
Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.



JCS Strategic Priorities Plan

CoS Academic Performance Standards

CV Guidelines


Building Update

Infrastructure Upgrade Program

Two weeks ahead

Two day program


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