The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 46 no 1 | 11–15 January 2021


Director's Message

Welcome back, Colleagues. I hope you had a peaceful break.

My congratulations go to our excellent teachers and supervisors on their awards presented late last year (see below). It is so very pleasing to see their efforts recognised at all levels in the University.

At the very end of last year I had the pleasure of showing our VC around the building site. This week’s pic shows Prof Brian Schmidt (right), Jonathan De Puit (Construction Manager, Hindmarsh - centre) and Simon Foxcroft (Building User Coordinator, left) standing in the atrium just outside the cleanroom. It was a comprehensive tour to fully appraise the VC of the opportunities presented to Physics in 2021. It was an excellent and positive note to finish the year on, and one that will resonate throughout this year.

Over the next few weeks I will be publishing a draft schedule for implementing the changes confirmed late last year. This schedule will also bring together elements from all the Working Parties and will span several months. My aim is to do this in a slow and considered approach. So many of the events last year demanded rapid responses and my hope is for this year to collect your views and steadily recraft our approach to the changed teaching and research landscapes.

With the ongoing threat of COVID please keep an eye on Govt and ANU advisories, and please remember to observe COVID-safe practise on campus.

Have a good week,


ANU Purchase Cards

The ANU Purchase Card Policy and Purchase Card Procedures have been reviewed and updated.

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CoS Teaching & Learning Awards 2020

Excellence in Supervision
Patrick Kluth
Robert Elliman
Alexander Poddubny

Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (Team)
Paul Francis, Joseph Hope, Habiba Hossain, Mahyar Bokaeeyan, Campbell Strachan, Layla Steed, Huma Latif & Xingshuo Huang

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Volume Imaging Symposium

16th – 19th of February 2021
FULLY ONLINE – 4 half-days

VIS 2021 encompasses all forms of imaging and analyses involving the generation of 3D volumetric data in all branches of science. This includes, but is not limited to, LIGHT, ELECTRON and X-RAY imaging modalities and the associated visualisation and analysis approaches common to these techniques.

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Oliphant Tea Room

The Oliphant tea room is open with tea bags & coffee sachets only.

Please remember to bring your own cup & spoon.


2021 Wall Planners

There will be no wall planners for 2021, due to the current financial constraints the University is operating under.


Know your administrator...

Julie Arnold - EME & NLPC

Petra Rickman - NP

Belinda Barbour - DQS

Nikki Azzopardi - AM, CPF, LPC & TP


Purchasing & Expenditure

The RSPhys Purchasing & Store team have updated the procedures for Purchase Cards, and Reimbursements on the Physics intranet.


NHMRC schemes opening in 2021 (Q1)

The College of Science Research Office (CRO) is now inviting notices of intent (NoI) to submit applications for the following schemes opening in 2021.


Physics @ ANU



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