The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 47 no 15 | 18–22 April 2022


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you enjoyed a very pleasant Easter long weekend. It’s nice to see the autumn colours start to set in.

Last Wednesday, the steady process of handing over the new building to the ANU commenced. Seen at the far end of our new Conference room Project Lead for Hindmarsh, Jonathan De Puit hands the access to “Separable Portion One” (offices and auditorium) over to Peter Geerdink, Associate Director, Facilities & Services. The hand-over initiates a cascade of actions ranging from integrating cardex, cabling every workstation, safety systems to tying building IT into ANU systems. The School Facilities team will spend the next few weeks ensuring the new functionality is integrated and undertaking a workplace inspection with WEG before starting to move people into the office space. The plan is to provide removal services to people grouped in the same neighbourhood within the new building. Over the next few weeks the School Facilities team will be working through the Heads to move groups into the office space, neighbourhood at a time. Consisting of Level 4 meeting rooms, stores, helium recovery, stable labs and cleanroom “Separable Portion Two” will be complete in a few month’s time, which will trigger the commencement of laboratory equipment relocation. Details of this complex and lengthy process will be developed once the office relocation is safely underway.

Below you’ll see the first in a series of interviews from the Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Science. My thanks as always to Phil Dooley, and also to all those sharing their joys in working with this unique Australian facility.

Please note the safety notice below concerning the need to ensure a residual current device (RCD), present on all mains power outlets in the School, resides on the device-side of any UPS you might be using or procuring.

Finally, if you are considering a LIEF bid in this round and will be requesting cash support from the DVC(RI) please discuss with your Head before Friday, 12pm. The School Executive will meet on Friday to discuss the possibility of School support. 

Have a good short week.


RCD Requirement for All UPS Equipment

A RCD (Residual Current Device) needs to be applied downstream of all UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) equipment as part of the ANU electrical safety policy for electric shock protection to be maintained.  

UPS procured before now need to have RCD’s installed to them. This will at minimum require a downstream RCD device to be installed between the UPS and the equipment it is protecting.

Any new purchases of UPS’ will need to either have this capability built in or downstream devices purchased alongside. Procurement will not continue unless this is confirmed.

The School purchasing page has more information on the requirement.

For further details, please contact


Shining a Light on Outstanding Research

Each year, the Australian Academy of Science shines a light on researchers who have made outstanding contributions to science, and in progressing the advancement of science in Australia, by awarding our prestigious honorific awards.

The awards recognise remarkable achievements in research fields including Earth sciences, biology, physics, mathematics, chemistry, biomedicine and more.

Nominations are now open for the Academy’s 2023 honorific awards, research conferences, research awards and travelling fellowships.

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JDRF Australia 2022 PhD Top-up Scholarships

JDRF Australia is inviting applications for 2022 PhD Top-up Scholarships. 

PhD Top-up Scholarships are designed to support and encourage PhD students pursuing research in the field of type 1 diabetes. The Scholarship will provide successful candidates with additional funding, on top of their PhD stipend, full-time or pro-rated part-time, contingent to satisfactory progress.

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2022 ANU Major Equipment Committee Grants Scheme

The 2022 ANU Major Equipment Committee Grants scheme is now open and closes 5pm 24 May 2022. Final applications are submitted to the College Research Office.

MEC 2022 information (Including Grant Guidelines and Application form) can be found at the MEC website

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Megavolts Episode 1 – What goes on inside the Accelerator

This is the first of the Megavolts series of videos, from the Accelerator Control Room. In this episode Dr Phil Dooley speaks with Dr Annette Berriman about the experiments going on at that moment – smashing lithium-7 into a gold target.

The discussion ranges from how lithium is a weird shape, through how messy stars are, to what it’s like to be glowing with gamma rays after a bone scan with technetium-99.

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ARC Linkage Projects 2022 Round 1

Applications for Assessment Round 1 of ARC Linkage Projects 2022 (LP22) are now open in RMS and will close on 01 August 2022.

If you are planning to submit an LP22 application and haven’t notified our office yet, please submit us your Notice of Intent (NoI) by filling this form here.

Those who express interest in applying will be provided with further information on application resources and the College of Science internal timeline.


What To Do If You Test Positive For COVID-19

If you test positive to COVID-19, please:

  1. Register your positive result with ACT Health using this online form, or with the state/territory health authority where you are located.
  2. Alert the University through this online form.
  3. Apply for personal leave.
  4. Isolate for at least seven days after the day you test positive.


New Colombo Plan (NCP) Mobility Program

The New Colombo Plan (NCP) Mobility Program  provides funding to support participation by undergraduate students in study, internships, mentorships, practicums, and research in 40 host locations across the Indo-Pacific region. 

NCP is a signature initiative of the Australian Government which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates to study and undertake internships in the defined region. Funding is provided for both short-term (minimum of 14 continuous days) and semester length programs, with grant amounts of between $1500 - $7000 (depending on the duration and type of the program) available per student participating in the program/project. 

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Australian Institute of Physics Awards

The deadline to apply for the Australian Institute of Physics awards is fast approaching (May 1st).

Please consider applying if you feel you would be competitive or think about someone to nominate.

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Returning to Campus

Updated Process and Mask Protocols

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2022 Wall Planners

2022 wall planners are available now at the Store.


Maisie & Mark 

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Departmental seminars

Professor Chris Allton - 21 April
Phase Transitions in Particle Physics: Breaking the Strong Interaction
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Dr Angela Barreda Gomez - 22 April
Metallic, Dielectric and Hybrid Nanostructures for Enhancing the Emission of Quantum Emitters
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Director's Colloquium - 21 April

Fluctuations and energy dynamics in complex fluid flows - Associate Professor James McClure

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Know your administrators...

L-R: Belinda Barbour, Sonia Padrun, Petra Rickman, Nikki Azzopardi, & Julie Arnold

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Know your School team...

Sue Berkeley -
Finance Team Leader

Goran Radovanovic -
Stores Services  

Patrick Romero - Stores/Purchasing Services


Know your student admin...

Liudmila (Luda) Mangos -
Higher Degree Research admin
C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Thurs 9:30-5pm)

Siobhan Ryman -
Physics Education Centre admin and HDR
1.05, Bldg 38A (Tues 8.30-4pm) ; C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Mon,Thurs-Fri 8.30-4pm)


HDR Update

Development & Training in April

20 | Managing procrastination & enhancing motivation
20 | Journal article writing (HASS)
20 | Advanced Research: Using ANU Library Databases
21 | Journal Article Writing (STEM)
21 | EndNote 20 webinar for Windows

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Nicolas Baudin Interships and Travel Grants to France

Applications for the 2022 Nicolas Baudin Program are now open!

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Free Flu Vaccinations

To provide flexibility for our staff in 2022, the ANU are offering three options for receiving your free flu vaccination:

1. On campus at the ANU Medical Centre 

2. On campus at the University Pharmacy 

3. Off campus by accessing a voucher code to be used at a Terry White Chemist in Canberra

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Tweet Series

The Researcher Development team are starting a new tweet series for @ANUresearcher! This tweet series is intended to be fun AND rewarding – a collaborative storytelling about the highs and lows of HDR student life – Hannah Carle, a RD casual is creating graphic mosaics based on different themes each week. 

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Physics World Careers 2022 Guide

Making decisions about your career can be an exciting process, but for most people it’s also a tricky one. It can be hard enough to find out what jobs even exist, let alone whether they would be a good match for your skills and interests.

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From Previous Weeks...

COVID-19 Extension Scholarship

Mandatory Training Courses for School Induction and Building Access - All Persons


Physics @ ANU



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