The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 48 no 40 | 9–13 October 2023


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Congratulations to the authors of the recent Nature Communications article which describes a new transmission protocol that establishes a new record in data transmission of 92% fidelity, which more than halves the loss in previous experiments. Above, Dr Jie Zhao (QST) is seen with the experimental system that led to this development. Check out the great story behind this article by Dr Phil Dooley. If you have upcoming interesting publications please reach out to Phil.

I was so very pleased with the great turn out for the “First Wednesday Connect” event last week with more than 220 people braving the wild weather to join us in the auditorium. This was the first of these ACT-wide events we’ve hosted since we joined with CBRIN earlier in the year. Some of the happy images below show how wonderfully engaged this diverse community is in the region (Photo credit: Mude (CBRIN)). If you have an interest in connecting with innovators and investors alike please keep an eye out for CBRIN activities.

Our new venues continue to draw people in and we played host to the Forum of Australian Chief Scientists on Thursday. Dr Lauren Bezzina (NPAA) can be seen below highlighting the opportunities the newly “launched” space test beamline offers to Prof Cathy Foley and her colleagues from States and Territories.

If you are interested in a broad AUKUS discussion I can highly recommend the recent podcast “Exploring the nuclear mindset, with Veronica Taylor (RegNet), Ed Simpson (NPAA), and Will Grant (CPAS)”, expertly hosted by Drs Liz Williams (CECC) and AJ Mitchell (NPAA).  

Don't forget about the Director’s Colloquium on Friday. Yes, there will be delicious treats to entice you along!

Last but not least, you will have seen an important safety advisory from me yesterday. Please take a moment to consider the incident and how we all play a part in keeping each other safe. Our combined safety-mindedness plays into many aspects of our working environment, not least WHS.

Have a good week,



For over 60 years the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering has provided grants to help students and researchers to access national facilities around the world.  As well as scholarships listed on their website, AINSE have a number of careers events that may be of interest;

Women in STEM school: WISE School – AINSE

Postgraduate careers: Postgraduate Orientation Week – AINSE


ANU Solar Oration 2023: Generation Change – and the Role of Solar PV

Australia’s commitment to net zero emissions by 2050 will see a transformation in our energy system from households to power stations and across the grids that connect them. At the same time, the global commitment to reduce emissions will see a change in Australia’s economy and exports.

Date: Thursday 9 Nov 2023
Time: 5.30–7.30pm
Location: T2, Upper Level, Kambri Cultural Centre, Kambri Precinct

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ERC Grants for Top Researchers from Anywhere in the World: Webinar -12 October 2023

European Research Council Grants for Top Researchers from Anywhere in the World: Webinar

Date: 12 October 2023
Time: 6PM AEDT

Register: Webinar Registration - Zoom

Please contact the College Research Office if you have any questions.


Australian Academy of Science - Call for Applications now open (Theo Murphy Initiative Australia)

The Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia) grant funding to support career development opportunities is now open for applications.  There are three streams of funding available, 'read more' for further information.

Closing 5pm, 6 November 2023.

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PLANCKS is an annual international theoretical physics competition that brings together students from around the world for a weekend-long programme of social, cultural, and educational events. Competitors will have four hours to complete an exam of ten physics questions in teams of three to four students. As teams are not expected to be from the same year, nor to have covered the same physics syllabus across the world, we would like the questions to be self-contained, i.e., if there’s a specific equation needed, or a specialised bit of physics, it should be included in the question brief. This is so we don’t inadvertently penalise students from different courses and to focus on the problem-solving and ingenuity of the individual or team. They should be of appropriate length and challenge. Marking schemes must also be included, with marks distributed up to ten. All questions in the exam will have equal weighting (regardless of topic) in order to help the organisers standardise them. Previous PLANCKS exam papers can be found here to be used as a reference. Previous PLANCKS Papers 

The deadline for submitting questions is Friday 15th December 2023.

If you have a problem to contribute or any questions at, please contact the organisers at


From the Equity & Diversity Committee...

Community event series: Non-alcoholic drink tasting @ physics
Fri, 13 Oct 2023 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM AEDT
Oliphant Link Building (# 58D) ANU Research School of Physics

Please Register your attendance on Eventbrite for catering purposes.

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Phyllis Montgomerie Award

$5000 Award for Research Support 

The Royal Commonwealth Society ACT Branch invites applications for the 2024 Phyllis Montgomerie Award of up to $5000 to help with expenses associated with a research or education project conducted in a Commonwealth country.

The 2024 Royal Commonwealth Society’s Phyllis Montgomerie Commonwealth Award will be advertised through tertiary institutions in the ACT in September 2023. The award, of up to $5000, is intended to help with expenses, including travel, associated with a research or education project that benefits the citizens of any Commonwealth country.

For guidelines, criteria, timetable, and application form, follow the Awards link at

Applications close Friday 13 October 2023

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New Reimbursement Process

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Mental Health Awareness Month

This Mental Health Awareness Month, CoS, in collaboration with CECC, is doing Inktober!

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CoS I.D.E.A. Website

Browse I.D.E.A.'s knowledge repository here.


College Hot Desking In Physics

Finance, HR & RM Teams
Thursday Mornings
Bldg 160




Departmental seminars

Professor Raymond Volkas - 26 October
The quest for physics beyond the Standard Model: facts, fancies and opinions”
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Director's Colloquium - 13 October

In a tight spot — What to do with light in small places - Professor Stefan Maier

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Founder's Day 2023 - 20 October

Physics Auditorium & Foyer, 9am-2pm

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Know your administrators...

Julie Arnold, Nikki Azzopardi, Belinda Barbour, James Campbell & Petra Rickman

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Know your School team...

Goran Radovanovic -
Stores Services  

Patrick Romero - Stores/Purchasing Services


Know your student admin...

Liudmila (Luda) Mangos -
Higher Degree Research admin
C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Thurs 9:30-5pm)

Siobhan Ryman -
Physics Education Centre admin and HDR
1.05, Bldg 38A (Tues 8.30-4pm) ; C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Mon,Thurs-Fri 8.30-4pm)


Know your school team...

Phil Dooley -
Manager, Marketing and Communications (part time)
0414 945 577


Know your Graduate Convenor team...

Prof Vince Craig -
Associate Director HDR

A/Prof Vanessa Robins -
Graduate Convenor

A/Prof Vladimir Mangazeev -
Graduate Convenor

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Know your Student Reps...

Elizaveta Melik-Gaykazyan, Logan Davis, Yosri Ben Aicha, Victoria Bashu, Aditya Babu


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ANZCOP-AIP Summer Meeting 2023

The ANZCOP-AIP Summer Meeting 2023 will take place at the Research School of Physics, ANU on December 3-8, 2023. 

The meeting showcases the work of Australia and New Zealand’s physics and photonics community. 

Submissions are now open! 

If you would like to be involved in the organisation and running of the conference, please contact


What To Do If You Test Positive For COVID-19

If you test positive to COVID-19, please:

1. Inform your supervisor or course convenor. 

2. Alert the University through this online form.

3. It is no longer required to report positive RAT tests to ACT Health, however it is strongly encouraged to do so, using this online form.


WHS SharePoint

WHS SharePoint


Physics @ ANU





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