The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 41 no 46 | 14–18 December 2015


Vale Emeritus Prof Mark Ridgway

The School is saddened to hear that Prof Mark Ridgway passed away Wednesday 9 December 2015.

Mark was an integral part of Electronic Materials Engineering (EME) and helped shape the Department’s research directions and positive working environment, including several years when he served as Head of Department.  


Over his career Mark made many significant contributions to semiconductor-materials research, most recently in relation to swift heavy ion irradiation of materials and synchrotron-based characterisation.  He was a great collaborator, with a broad network of national and international colleagues, many of whom have visited the ANU over the years.  He also supervised many students and postdocs who have gone on to make their own contributions to ion-beam and semiconductor research.  Above it all Mark was a great friend and colleague and will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

Mark’s funeral will be held at Norwood Park Crematorium, Canberra, Tuesday 15 December at 4.30pm.

In lieu of flowers Mark asked that donations be made to Clare Holland House.  A funeral notice will be published in the Saturday edition of the Canberra Times.

Collection envelopes will be available at the funeral.  Donations can be made to Clare Holland House or to Juile Arnold (EME DA). Cards can be sent to: Pat Ridgway, C/- RSPE, 60 Mills Rd, Acton ACT 2601

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

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ARC 2016 Workshop and Briefing

All prospective ARC applicants are invited to attend a briefing and workshop on ARC strategies from 9.30-11am on Tuesday 15 December in the RSPE Seminar Room, comprising:

  • 9.30-10am   Briefing from the 2015 round, new information on the 2016 round, new strategies for success
  • 10-11am  Grant writing workshop, and pairing of ECRs/new grant writers in the writing process

RSPE peer assessment of our applications will be a key feature of the 2016 round  we will discuss this in the first session.

We look forward to seeing as many ARC applicants as possible on December 15th to improve your chances of ARC success.

Ken Baldwin, Deputy Director (Research)


Why diversity matters

A workplace that values diversity and is free of discrimination is more productive:  Greater employee satisfaction leads to improved productivity and profitability. Reduced employee turnover cuts the cost of having to replace skilled and experienced people. Harnessing employee skills and perspectives increases creativity and innovation. 

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Departmental seminars

Professor CNR Rao - 15 December
Australian Nanotechnology Network Distinguished Lecturer
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Ms Sahar Mirzaei - 15 December
Final PhD seminar-Characterizing the structural properties of the NPs formed by ion implantation in different dielectric matrices
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Professor Albert Wang - 16 December
IEEE EDS/Photonics Society Distinguished Lecture & EME Department Seminar
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Mid Term Review - 18 December

SAXS study on the morphology of etched and un-etched ion tracks in apatite - Ms Allina Nadzri

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Staff movements

Applied Maths
Assoc Prof Adrian Sheppard 
will be absent for the period 14-24 December 2015.  Prof Stephen Hyde will be acting HOD during this period.

Physics Education Centre
Professor John Close
 will be on leave 9-18 December 2015.  Prof Joe Hope will be acting Deputy Director (Education) during this period.

Plasma Research Laboratory
Professor John Howard
will undertake research and collaboration at the DIII-D National Facility in San Diego 27 November - 15 December 2015.  Dr Cormac Corr will be acting HOD during this period.

Theoretical Physics
Professor Mukunda Das
will be overseas from 24 November - 22 December 2015. He will visit S N Bose National Centre and Saha Institute in Kolkata; Institute of Physics in Bhubaneswar and National Physical Laboratory In New Delhi where he will deliver a number of seminars and Colloquia.


Student funding opportunitites

We would like to draw your attention to this funding opportunity for student travel - ANU-IARU Travel Grants These grants are separate to the ANU Travel Grants (formerly known as the VC Travel Grants).  Please have a look at the details on the website. 

RSPE Student Office


Funding Opportunities

Grant opportunities
The current funding round of the Ian Potter Foundation is now open. Fudning opportunitie - conference organisation (max $20,000) or travel to attend a conference ($2,000-$3,000). Application opened 9 November 2015 and close 27 January 2016. Please check the Eligibility and Application Process and advise if you intend to apply.



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