Seeking Tutors/Demonstrators
We are looking for research students to do lab demonstrating and tutoring in the 1st year undergraduate physics classes. This is a good opportunity to get some teaching experience, and even get paid for it.
If you are interested, please e-mail Paul Francis ( Please advise if you have a preference for lab demonstrating or tutoring, and if you have any previous teaching training or experience.
First semester tutoring/demonstrating 2016 runs from 22 February - 24 March, and then from 18 April - 27 May. It doesn’t matter if you are away for a week or two (other tutors can cover for you), but it would be an issue if you were gone for a larger time over this period.
The topics taught in the tutorials are Newtonian mechanics, Maxwell’s equations and waves/optics. The labs primarily teach plotting data, uncertainties and basic electronics.
The deadline for expressions of interest is 7 February 2016, and positions will be announced after that. |